New report identifies California Raisins as a plant-based fat replacer in baked goods

New report identifies California Raisins as a plant-based fat replacer in baked goods

New use provides natural sweetness while reducing overall calories, total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.

June 11, 2021

The California Raisin Marketing Board has released a new white paper spotlighting the functional benefits and opportunities for California-grown raisins and raisin ingredients as a fat replacer in baked goods. The new white paper reveals how California Raisins offer key benefits in food manufacturing and foodservice applications when utilized as a fat replacer.

In tested recipes, like Fudgy Brownie Bites, California Raisins were found to function well as a fat replacer due to natural sugar and fiber content. Compared to the control formula with 100 percent fat from butter and egg yolk, the formulas with California Raisin paste saw reduced overall calories, total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol while maintaining intended moisture and texture.

“As a whole fruit that is naturally low in fat and sodium, California Raisins contain unrefined sugars and dietary fiber that make them a viable fat replacement and plant-based alternative in baked goods,” said Tim Kenny, vice president of marketing at the California Raisin Marketing Board. “California Raisin paste offers a functional and flavorful solution to high fat recipes, delivering an overall calorie reduction when used as a fat replacer.”

The California Raisin industry offers a variety of raisins and raisin ingredients that are suitable for food manufacturing and foodservice applications. Sweetened naturally by the sun with no added sugar or juice, California Raisins are a shelf-stable ingredient that can be used in a variety of applications across breads, cereals, desserts, sauces, beverages, and snacks.