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ABA launches new tray theft prevention website

December 10, 2020

The issue: Reusable plastic trays are integral to the distribution of baked goods. Unfortunately, baking industry companies spend more than $10 million annually in plastic tray replacement costs due to the theft.​ If tray theft is left unchecked, the tray replacement costs associated with these crimes can lead to decreased capital investment and more expensive products for the consumer.

ABA created a new website that explains the issue of reusable plastic tray theft to help educate customers, lawmakers, and the public about the issue. This quick resource will raise awareness of this costly problem, allowing ABA to maximize impact in fighting tray theft for our Members.

"The baking industry has unfortunately dealt with the theft of reusable plastic trays for years. We are excited to announce these new resources to help members effectively communicate the problem with their employees and customers. The first step to effectively solving the problem is raising awareness," says Bob McGuire, co-chair, logistics professionals group vice president, director of logistics, Alpha Baking.

Visit the new site here.