Ingredients by Nature launches MonkFiber ingredient

Ingredients by Nature launches MonkFiber ingredient

March 30, 2020

Company: Ingredients by Nature


Ingredient Snapshot: Ingredients by Nature (IBN)—supplier of high-quality, customizable, science-based food ingredients—has announced the launch of MonkFiber, a functional, sweet fiber from the pomace of the monk fruit.

Monk fruit, also known as Luo Han Guo, is a small green melon named so because of the monks who cultivated it centuries ago. The fruit is most often used as an alternative sweetener, but the outer shell is also a great source of insoluble fiber. MonkFiber, by IBN, makes up more than 70 percent of the daily total recommended dietary fiber, is 100 to 250 times sweeter than sugar, and contains zero calories. MonkFiber is also a good source of mogrosides and antioxidants for greater support towards a healthy inflammation response and better immune health.

“We wanted to make the most of the whole spectrum of benefits that come with monk fruit and so created an ingredient that functions as an efficacious source of functional fiber that also delivers a sweet taste profile,” said Rob Brewster, president of IBN. “Its rich fiber content makes it perfect for digestive and heart health applications. The residual mogrosides present in the ingredient, along with potent antioxidant properties, provide further benefits for a more holistic approach to health. To take things a step further, we are also beginning to investigate if there is any prebiotic application of MonkFiber to support gut health.”

According to the WHO, only three percent of consumers meet the recommended daily fiber intake from their regular diet. Because of that, there is a large demand for products that fill that nutritional gap. Being a functional fiber, MonkFiber can be used in dietary supplements or food and beverage formulations aimed at providing sweeter support for digestive and heart health. It comes in various mesh sizes to accommodate different applications—such as bars, protein powders, fiber mixes, and powdered drink formulations—and is available as certified organic.

To learn more about MonkFiber, visit www.IngredientsbyNature.com.