
Tia Lupita Cactus Tortillas and Totopos (tortilla chips)
October 10, 2019

Company: Tia Lupita Foods
Website: www.tialupitafoods.com
Introduced: August 2019
Distribution: National
Suggested Retail Price: $5.99 (tortilla chips), $6.99 (tortillas)
Product Snapshot: Tia Lupita Cactus Tortillas and Cactus Totopos (tortilla chips) were launched in August 2019, with Whole Foods and Cost Plus World Market being the first to carry the product.
Each Cactus Tortilla is about 30 calories and 4g of net carbs (as compared to regular tortillas, with 100 calories and about 15 grams of carbs).
Totopos (pronounced "toe-toe-poes") is the "OG" word for tortilla chips, its origin being Aztec (Nahuatl). The chips are 100 percent grain-free, and are made out of roots and plants like Nopales.