caffeinated snack bites

Eat Your Coffee Caffeinated Snack Bites

March 25, 2019

Company: Eat Your Coffee


Introduced: March 2019

Suggested Retail Price: $1.49

Product Snapshot: Eat Your Coffee recently launched its Caffeinated Snack Bites that are 100 calories or less, pack as much caffeine as a shot of espresso, and have no added sugar. They’re hoping that these bites will not only energize its customers, but also, the start of the FreshConnect program with some additional fundraising. For every pack of Caffeinated Snack Bites sold on its website using code FRESHCONNECT, Eat Your Coffee will donate $5 to Fresh Truck from March 25th through April 19th. For those of you counting, that’s 26.2 days.

100 percent of Eat Your Coffee’s donation is going to a low-income Boston family to put a little extra healthy food on the table, so be sure to share this great campaign to help two local organizations in Boston. 

The Caffeinated Snack Bites will primarily be sold through the Eat Your Coffee website, as well as to office snack providers.