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BakingTech 2018 registration is now open

October 26, 2017

ASB's BakingTech 2018 technical conference—Sustainability: Success Through People Products and Productivity—and MarketPlace will convene Sunday, February 25 - Tuesday, February 27, 2018 at the Hilton Chicago in Chicago, Illinois.

Highlights of the educational and networking event include:

  • Enriching educational programming for individuals in the commercial baking industry
  • Wall-to-Wall exhibition featuring the latest products and services
  • Technical paper presentations on Consumer Insight, Operational Opportunities, Engineering, Enzymes, and Regulatory featuring over 20+ speakers and panelists
  • Network with over 1,000+ commercial baking professionals

The full schedule of sessions and events is now available at asbe.org/bakingtech2018.

Don't forget to book your hotel room at the Hilton Chicago! The ASB group rate is $186/night plus tax. You may reserve your room online or calling the Hilton directly at (877) 865-5320 and be sure to mention the group code BTM. For more information on the Hilton and reservations click here.

Click here to register online now, for early-bird registration rates.




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