Powdered sourdough starter
Company: BackNatur Lepold, Oberursel, Germany
Website: www.backferment.de
Ingredient Snapshot: BackNatur Lepold’s new sourdough starter—BackNatur Trockenferment aktiv—will be on display at iba 2015 in Munich. Available in a powder form, the direct starter can be stored for up to six months without refrigeration, according to the company, and enables bakers to start sourdough in 12 to 15 hours using a single-step, yeast-free process. It can be used with rye, spelt and wheat flours, making it suitable for companies that want to produce several kinds of sourdough without changing the starter. Bakers can also use it to make German-style breads and other ethnic baked goods. Because BackNatur Trockenferment aktiv is made with organic ingredients, it can be used to make organic breads and rolls as well.