Oil cruet

PHO alternatives available to bakers, snack producers

June 29, 2015

FDA announced earlier this month that food manufacturers must remove partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs) from their products within three years. A number of ingredient suppliers already offer products that allow bakers and snack producers to remove some or all of the PHOs from their formulations. Check out their offerings:

Enzymatic interesterified oils: Bunge Oils’ UltraBlends Enzymatic Solutions products are enzymatically interesterified shortenings and oils that remove trans fat from products, while optimizing saturated fat content.

PHO alternatives: Cargill has ingredient solutions available to replace most partially hydrogenated oil (PHO) uses while maintaining product taste and function.

Non-PHO emulsifiers: ENSEMBLE from Corbion Caravan is a full line of nonpartially hydrogenated oil (PHO) emulsifiers that delivers drop-in functionality, while maintaining flavor and texture.

Omega-9 canola oil: Omega-9 Canola Oil and shortening systems from Dow AgroSciences are naturally stable and a proven solution for applications currently employing partially hydrogenated oils. 

Soy-based innovations: Soy-based innovations are available to replace partially hydrogenated oils for trans-fat-free snack foods and bakery products, says Qualisoy.

Margarines and shortenings: Richardson Oilseed offers margarines and shortenings that are not hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated, and are lower in saturated fat than 100 percent palm alternatives.

High-stability algae oil: AlgaWise High Stability Algae Oil from Solazyme is a versatile cooking oil with over 87 percent monounsaturated fatty acids, only 2 percent polyunsaturates and no trans fat per serving.