
Calendar of Events

October 1, 2007

The following is a list of noteworthy conventions, conferences, trade shows, meetings and seminars for 2008, as well as which organizations to contact for details.
Jan. 13-15 —33rd Winter Fancy Food Show, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, The National Association for the Specialty Food Trade,www.specialtyfood.com
Jan. 20-22 —ABA Human Resources Committee Winter Meeting, Washington, D.C., American Bakers Assn., www.americanbakers.org
Jan. 27-30 — IFDA Partners Executive Forum, Ritz-Carlton, Amelia Island, Fla., International Foodservice Distributors Assn., www.ifdaonline.org
Jan. 29-Feb. 1 —AIB Doughnuts and Donuts, Manhattan, Kan., American Institute of Baking, www.aibonline.org
Feb. 11-14 —AIB Pies, Pies, Pies!, Manhattan, Kan., American Institute of Baking, www.aibonline.org
Feb. 20-22 —REAL DEAL Expo, Las Vegas Hilton Center, Las Vegas, American Wholesale Marketers Assn., www.awmanet.com
Feb. 24-27 —IBA Winter Membership Meeting, Boca Raton Resort & Club, Boca Raton, Fla., Independent Bakers Assn., www.IndependentBaker.com
Feb. 24-29 —SFA Snack Food Short Course, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, Snack Food Assn., www.sfa.org
Feb. 27-29 —AIB Corn Tortilla and Chip Production, Manhattan, Kan., American Institute of Baking, www.aibonline.org
March 1-2 —BEMA Winter Summit, Chicago Downtown Marriott, Chicago, www.bema.org
March 2-4 —SNAXPO, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, San Antonio, Texas. Snack Food Assn., www.USPotatoes.org
March 2-5 —ASB Baking Tech 2008, Chicago Downtown Marriott, Chicago, American Society of Baking, www.asbe.org
March 5-8 —USPB 2008 Chip Seminar, Wyndam Resort, United States Potato Board, www.sfa.org
March 17-19 — Food Safety & Security Summit, Washington, D.C., BNP Media, www.foodsafetysummit.com
March 14-16 —Natural Products Expo West and Supply Expo, Anaheim, Calif., www.expowest.com
March 30-April 2 —American Bakers Assn. Annual Convention, Arizona Biltmore, Scottsdale, Ariz., www.americanbakers.org
March 29-April 2 —Europain 2008, Exhibition Center, Paris Nord Villepinte, Paris, France. www.Europain.com
April 1-3 —International Pizza Expo, Las Vegas, National Association of Pizza Operators, www.pizzaexpo.com
April 13-15 —B&CMA 104th Annual Convention, The Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort & Spa, Savannah, Ga., The Biscuit & Cracker Manufacturers´ Assn., www.thebcma.org
April 17-18 —APC Pie Industry Seminar, Orlando, Fla., American Pie Council, www.piecouncil.org
April 18-20 —APC/Crisco National Pie Championships, Orlando, Fla., American Pie Council, www.piecouncil.org
April 19-20 —APC Great American Pie Festival, Celebration, Fla., American Pie Council, www.piecouncil.org
April 21-25 —AIB Hands-On Programmable Controllers, Manhattan, Kan., American Institute of Baking, www.aibonline.org
April 24-30 —Interpack 2008, Messe Dñ¼sseldorf, Dñ¼sseldorf, Germany. www.interpack.com
April 27-29 —10th Spring Fancy Food Show, Chicago, The National Association for the Specialty Food Trade, www.specialtyfood.com
May 4-6 —Bakery Showcase 2008 — Canada´s National Baking Trade Show and Convention, Toronto Congress Center, Toronto,
May 4-7 —The FMI Show, Food Marketing Institute, Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas, www.fmi.org
May 12-14 — Interbake China 2008, Guangzhou, China, www.faircanton.com
May 12-15 —TIA Spring Technical Seminar, Phoenix, Tortilla Industry Assn, www.tortilla-info.com
May 17-20 —NRA Restaurant, Hotel-Motel Show, McCormick Place, Chicago, National Restaurant Association, www.restaurant.org
May 27-28 —“World of Private Label” International Trade Show, RAI Exhibition Center, Amsterdam, Private Label Manufacturers Assn., www.plmainternational.com
May 28-30 —AIB Extending Shelf life of Bakery Foods, Manhattan, Kan., American Institute of Baking, www.aibonline.org
June 1-3 —IDDBA Dairy-Deli-Deli Bake 2007, New Orleans, International Dairy-Deli-Bakery Assn., www.iddba.org
June 18-20 —IBA´s 34th Annual Convention, Washington Court Hotel, Washington, D.C., Independent Bakers Assn., www.mindspring.com/~independentbaker/id1
June 21-25 — BEMA Annual Meeting, Hotel Viking, Newport, R.I., www.bema.org
June 26-28 —Natural Products Expo Asia, Hong Kong, China, www.naturalproductsasia.com
June 28-July 2 —IFT Annual Meeting and Food Expo, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Institute of Food Technologists, www.ift.org
June 29-July 1 —54th Summer Fancy Food Show, Jacob K. Javits Center, New York, The National Association for the Specialty Food Trade, www.specialtyfood.com
July 13-15 — IFDA Sales & Marketing Conference, Sanibel Harbor Resort & Spa, Fort Myers, Fla., International Foodservice Distributors Assn., www.ifdaonline.org
July 29-30 —Healthy and Upscale Pizza Technology, Manhattan, Kan., American Institute of Baking, www.aibonline.org
Aug 4-8 —AIB Formulating Bakery Products, Manhattan, Kan., American Institute of Baking, www.aibonline.org
Sept. 14-16 —SFA´s Management Workshop, Westfields Marriot Hotel, Chantilly, Va., Snack Food Assn., www.sfa.org
Sept. 14-17 —B&CMA 83nd Annual Technical Conference, Westfields Marriott Hotel, Chantilly, Va., The Biscuit & Cracker Manufacturers´ Assn., www.thebcma.org
Sept. 21-24 —AACC International Annual Meeting. Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. (formerly the American Association of Cereal Chemists), www.aaccnet.org
Sept. 22-24 —All Candy Expo, McCormick Place West, Chicago, Natonal Confectiners Assn., www.allcandyexpo.com
Sept. 28-30 —SFA´s Executive Leadership Forum, Ritz Carlton, Lake Las Vegas, Henderson, Nev., Snack Food Association, www.sfa.org
Sept. 28-30 —Tortilla Industry Assn. Convention & Trade Exposition, Las Vegas. www.tortilla-info.com
Oct. 4-7 —The NACS Show 2008, McCormick Place, Chicago, National Association of Convenience Stores, www.NACSonline.com
Oct. 12-14 —The Foodservice Distribution Conference & Expo, David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, International Foodservice Distributors Assn., www.ifdaonline.org
Nov. 4-6 —Food Ingredients Europe & Natural Ingredients 2008, Paris, Food Ingredients, www.fi-events.com



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