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SNAC International to host legislative fly-in

Industry leaders will meet with lawmakers to discuss priorities facing the snack food industry.

June 2, 2023

SNAC International will be hosting its annual Legislative Summit on June 6–7, in Washington, DC. The event aims to foster dialogue and collaboration to address pressing policy issues that will shape the future of the snack food industry. 

Over 45 snack manufacturers and suppliers will meet with members of Congress to discuss the industry’s key issues and how policy affects business, including farm bill priorities such as SNAP choice (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), transportation matters, and other issues facing the snack industry.  

“It’s important for Congress to hear the first-hand experiences and understand the challenges snack food industry is having, says Christine Cochran, CEO, SNAC International. “The Legislative Summit provides the opportunity to do so. Together, we can influence legislative and regulatory measures that help business and employees prosper.”  

Attendees will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights, exchange ideas, and forge meaningful connections with key decision-makers at the forefront of shaping legislation. View full schedule here. For live updates from the Summit, follow SNAC International’s Twitter channel here