Zolli Candy, teen's sugar-free candy company, to introduce Zolli Gum PopZ at Sweets & Snacks Expo
Brand also recently launched Zolli Carmalez and Gummeez.
America’s fastest growing candy company (INC magazine, 2022) & one of America’s Most Innovative Companies (Fortune magazine, 2023), Zolli Candy, is set to return to exhibit at the Sweets & Snacks Expo in Chicago this May. Zolli’s Founder, 18-year-old Alina Morse, will again be showing her rapidly expanding company by introducing Zolli Gum PopZ and a new licensing partnership with Dreamworks’ Gabby’s Dollhouse, streaming on Netflix.
Zolli Candy also recently launched Zolli Carmalez and Zolli Gummeez during the annual Natural Products Expo West in Southern California. The company remains the #1 sugar-free candy sold on Amazon and is in the top 20 in all candy and chocolate on the site.
Zolli Gum PopZ will debut as part of a double strawberry with bubble-making zero sugar gum inside & zero sugar hard candy outside that is crunchy, chewy and bursting with flavor.
While Morse will graduate high school this June, she has ran her woman-owned, caused-based company as her after-school “extra-curricular activity.” Her Zolli Candy products are certified sugar-free by Sugarwise, and are gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, non-GMO, free of the top seven allergens, and gives 10% of profits through the “Million Smiles Initiative” to help fight America’s most chronic childhood disease: tooth decay.