Kettle Awards

Recap: The 74th Annual Kettle Awards

Ted Cohen of Hillside Candy receives 2019 award.

July 12, 2019
Ted Cohen, president of Hillside Candy, was named the  recipient of the 74th Kettle Award, presented May 21 during a ceremony at the Union League Club of Chicago.

Rick Brindle, v.p. of industry development, Mondelēz International; Joe Dutra, ceo of Kimmie Candy; and Tony Jacobs, president of Topps Confectionery Brands, were also nominated for the award.

Holding the gleaming copper kettle, a still-shocked Cohen pointed to the confectionery industry’s history of strong leadership and service. Furthermore, confectionery industry leaders and members of Candy Industry’s Kettle Award Committee reflect on the meaning of the annual award.

Candy Industry Magazine’s founder and publisher, Don Gussow, established the Kettle Award in 1946. As he explained to readers then, the Kettle Award was meant as “recognition of the contribution for ‘great or good’ of the industry, not only on the part of the person selected for the distinction, but of every member of the confectionery field who has devoted himself in whatever measure to make the business of candy making and selling a more profitable and happier one.”