Extra ad
The new Extra ad features two sisters and a real-life friend request. Image provided by Extra.

Extra’s newest ad highlights how 2020 has changed relationships

Spot features two sisters, and it’s meant to encourage new usage occasions.

August 3, 2020

Extra gum's newest ad highlights the way 2020 has changed how people interact with each other. 

The spot features two sisters — one who’s always on her phone and the other, Lena, who’s trying to get her attention. At the end, Lena passes her sister a handwritten note on an Extra gum wrapper that reads, “New Friend: Lena,” and then boxes for confirm or deny. The the two laugh about it and start to hang out.

Extra gum is launching new creative as part of its Give Extra, Get Extra campaign called “Real Friend Request.”

Mars Wrigley, which owns Extra, said the spot is meant to encourage new usage occasions at home and drive relevance with consumers, and remind consumers that sometimes the smallest gestures can be the most refreshing. 

“Through its new creative, Extra is not only inspiring fans to build meaningful connections, but focusing on growing the category by showing consumers they can grab gum to help freshen their breath while at home as one way to keep refreshed,” the company says.