Single origin meets milk chocolate
August 11, 2009

The Company: Amano Artisan Chocolate, Orem, Utah
The Product: Single origin chocolate bars
The Hook: While most single-origin bars are made with dark chocolate, Amano has introduced two new single-origin milk chocolate bars. Ocumare Handcrafted Milk Chocolate and Jembrana Handcrafted Milk Chocolate bars contain 30% cacao, giving them a “darker” flavor while still maintaining the character of the beans. The company’s Ocumare milk chocolate bar is made from beans from the Ocumare Valley in Venezuela, whereas the Jembrana milk chocolate bar was made from beans from the southwestern coast of Bali. Furthermore, Amano created a 70% cacao single-origin dark chocolate bar called Montanya. This bar is made from beans grown in the mountains of Northern Venezuela, which give the chocolate flavors of apricot and marshmallow.
Ingredients: Ocumare Handcrafted Milk Chocolate: Cocoa beans, pure cane sugar, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, whole vanilla beans. May contain tree nuts, peanuts and soy lecithin (an emulsifier).
S.R.P.: $6.95 for Ocumare, Jembrana milk chocolate bars; $8.95 for Montanya dark chocolate bar.